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Small Businesses and Public Procurement: Some Problems of Correlation


This paper is dedicated to the analysis of some problems small business entities face with in the field of public procurement. The field is regulated by laws made by the State. A lot of laws exist that regulate the functioning of small business entities. The laws made by the State to regulate the field of functioning of small business entities and their performance in the field of public procurement are numerous. Made laws are characterized as legal norms that do not comply with each other. The paper contains examples of such rules and shows negative effects for small business entities when they implement the right under consideration in the field of public procurement. The author classifies the issues according to the sector of public procurement and provides case studies concerning such issues including cases from the author’s legal practice. The author makes practical recommendations in the conclusion of the paper.

About the Author

A. Yu. Ryabova
Russian Post JSC
Russian Federation
Leading Specialist of the Procurement control Section, Cand. Sci. (Law)


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For citations:

Ryabova A.Yu. Small Businesses and Public Procurement: Some Problems of Correlation. Kutafin Law Review. 2020;7(2):183-197.

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ISSN 2713-0525 (Print)
ISSN 2713-0533 (Online)